Vuelo nocturno – The magic of flying at night

Flying through the night, while the world beneath us is at sleep, is a pretty common thing as a longhaul pilot. Late evening departures lead to far distant destinations like Singapore, Hong Kong, Sao Paolo or J’burg. Depending on the direction of the flight the crew and the passengers either have a short night up ahead if flying eastbound or almost eternal darkness if headed westwards.


The latter is the case for my todays flight across the Atlantic Ocean to South America. Our flight is packed and some 340 passengers are settling in for a long night flight. Its my turn to be at the flightdeck for the first part of the journey, as my other co-pilot gets the chance to rest in the crew bunk above the passenger cabin. We are heading our westbound, along the clearly visible Alps to our left. Just before reaching Geneva and the western tip of Switzerland we are making a shallow left turn to join the Rhone valley leading us to Marseille and onward onto the Mediterranean Sea. Our routing will bring us towards Algeria and on across the northwestern part of the vast Sahara. We will be flying past Dakar in Senegal where we will be heading out onto the Atlantic Ocean. Our south-westerly course will get us across the wide blue – in fact it was pitch-black during the night – to the north eastern shore of Brazil. Landfall is expected just north of Rio de Janeiro and the remaining few hundred miles will get us straight towards Sao Paolo. Our landing is expected around 6am local time, still before the sun will rise.


The chatter of the French and Spanish ATC accompanies us for another hour, we get changed over to Algiers and past the bright city light of the capital of Algeria towards the Sahara. Tonight will be a special night, since its one of the few nights every August where countless shooting stars will be seen all over the night sky. Deriving from constellation of Perseus, these meteor showers will guide us through the night.


Just as the bright city lights are vanishing behind us, the Milky way starts to become clearly visible up ahead. Its now us, pacing at almost the speed of sound along the invisible highway and the pitch-black night sky above this surreal landscape. Ahead of us are another eight hours flight time, but we already stopped counting the shooting stars. And we got already to a few hundred.


Enjoy this timelapse video of my night flight towards South America, a short impression of the view that night.


Kommentar schreiben

Kommentare: 129
  • #1

    Richard (Dienstag, 25 April 2017 07:29)

    Awesome flight across the pond

  • #2

    John white (Dienstag, 25 April 2017 19:48)

    Awesome! Do u mind if I ask about your approach - how do you manage long exposures whilst moving?

  • #3

    MrSoccer (Mittwoch, 26 April 2017 05:18)

    How?! This is beyond amazing! Beyond incredible! How does one create something like this?! I want to say more adjectives but I'm at a loss. Just wow!

  • #4

    Sales Wick (Mittwoch, 26 April 2017 06:26)

    Thnk you for your likes and comments!
    @John white:
    Thats the real challenge. I had to take many attempts and a lot of trying to figure it out. Basically the challenge is to keep shutter speed as fast as possible in order to get razor sharp images. While you can use the 500 or 600 rule on ground this doesn't work out the same way while being up in the sky. Well of course basically it does if you dont fly perpendicular to the movement of the night sky but even if its really smooth there are usually some liggt movements of the aircraft. So depending on the focal length of your lense you can get exposure times between 15" to 1". Thats why you will need a camera that can handle high iso. Thats where the A7s comes into play and of course a ver fast lense. The rest is a good mounting and some luck. Last but not least you need to keep the flight deck as dark as possible to get the least reflections...and the rest is magic ;)

    @MrSoccer: Thank you for your kind words. Appreciate. I hope my answer above helped to answer your question. Of course there is quiet some work behind during the post-production to get the best results out of the countless raw images...


  • #5

    Joao Felipe Moradei (Mittwoch, 26 April 2017 15:52)

    Man, that was beautiful! Absolutely stunning! Can you tell me which equipment you used for that and how did you set up the camera to do that amazing captures? Thanks!

  • #6

    ramon patiño (Mittwoch, 26 April 2017 21:36)

    Absolutamente MARAVILLOSO, muchas gracias! | Absolutely WONDERFUL, thank you very much! MEXICO

  • #7

    Fernando Garcia (Mittwoch, 26 April 2017 22:18)

    Muchas felicidades! Un time lapse increíble! Gracias

  • #8

    Martin Chaoyuan Chiu (Donnerstag, 27 April 2017 00:03)

    That's breathtakingly beautiful! Thank you!

  • #9

    Miles (Donnerstag, 27 April 2017 00:29)

    Absolutely stunning video!

  • #10

    Allen (Donnerstag, 27 April 2017 03:18)

    Absolutely beautiful!!! Are the shots as clear in real time...or is it the time lapse that makes it look so crisp? I could watch this all night. have you considered uploading a longer video?

  • #11

    Cameron Janati (Donnerstag, 27 April 2017 12:08)

    I hope I can open it.

  • #12

    Paty M. (Donnerstag, 27 April 2017 14:58)

    Maravilloso! Thanks for share it ;D

  • #13

    Natalia Sánchez (Donnerstag, 27 April 2017 17:37)

    Thanks for giving us the opportunity to see such a beautiful video.

  • #14

    Gary Bunce (Donnerstag, 27 April 2017 19:11)

    Absolutely one of the most beautiful time laps videos I have seen. Very good work I hope to see more soon.

  • #15

    Robert (Freitag, 28 April 2017 05:30)

    This is stunningly beautiful. Thank you for this.

  • #16

    Krishna (Freitag, 28 April 2017 08:29)

    This could be a 10 hour video and still as mesmerising. Great work and thanks for sharing.

    With your 35mm/1.4 could you share the ISO (around 3200?) and shutter speed please? Options to do this as a passenger are very limited but worth knowing. Thanks!

  • #17

    Aleksey (Freitag, 28 April 2017 11:35)

    Hi to the author from Russia ! Thanks for improbable shots, we wait for new ! Americans, the World is so fragile and beautiful, and you are at war, will be enough already to be at war! World peace !!!
    Привет автору из России ! Спасибо за невероятные кадры, ждём новых ! Американцы, Мир так хрупок и прекрасен, а вы воюете, хватит уже воевать ! Мир во всем Мире !!!

  • #18

    Adam (Freitag, 28 April 2017 19:59)

    Beautiful work, what's the name of the song?

  • #19

    ISS timelapse video (Freitag, 28 April 2017 21:31)

    reminds me to the amazing view from space timelapse video from the ISS,

  • #20

    Charles (Chris) Christiansen (Samstag, 29 April 2017 16:31)

    Absolutely stunning! I had no idea this was possible and obviously you worked hard at getting it right! Thanks for your inspired efforts to capture share the beauty of our world with others.

  • #21

    Lesley (Samstag, 29 April 2017 19:46)

    Beautiful - thank you. What music have you used to accompany this very moving love of the sky?

  • #22

    Sandrine (Sonntag, 30 April 2017 09:13)

    Awesome flight... "what wonder full world"...

  • #23

    Nilima (Sonntag, 30 April 2017 10:38)

    Surreal..absolute marvel..beyond words! Thank you so much!

  • #24

    Jérôme (Sonntag, 30 April 2017 11:32)

    Thank you so much for sharing this awake dream...

  • #25

    Joël (Sonntag, 30 April 2017 11:53)

    Hello very nice video
    Did you made that with two différents cameras and after that mixing them together ?

  • #26

    wetter (Sonntag, 30 April 2017 12:38)

    nice one! when did you capture it? (justcurious; i was on that flight earlier this year)

  • #27

    matias (Sonntag, 30 April 2017 17:27)

    Contrats, very nice vidéo!! �

  • #28

    Arsonic99 (Sonntag, 30 April 2017 22:10)

    Just... thanks. For you work to do this, for the dream you give at us. Thanks Sales Wick :) You make my journey, my head is so high in... the space, with stars and our beautiful Milkyway... I feel so great now !

  • #29

    Shelley (Sonntag, 30 April 2017 23:54)

    Gorgeous ... very magical. I couldn't help but think of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry while watching this. Thank you!!

  • #30

    Wolfgang (Montag, 01 Mai 2017 01:38)

    Großartig. Danke.

  • #31

    Mycara (Montag, 01 Mai 2017 07:07)

    Exceptionally Stunning!!! Thank u so mch!.

  • #32

    Kwetdeziles (Montag, 01 Mai 2017 09:18)

    Magnifique. Une excellente idée.

  • #33

    Hazz (Montag, 01 Mai 2017 09:27)

    Hi. I'm an agent at the airport of Paris and I'm jealous of your view. It's soooo beautiful. it's unbelievable. You're lucky to see that. It's the better place in the night. Thank you to share with us this beauty

  • #34

    Charry (Montag, 01 Mai 2017 13:25)

    I was totally mesmerized and enchanted by the views. The world seems so peaceful from the skies. Thank you for sharing your view. Safe travels!

  • #35

    Melbeau Siteweb/Melie (Montag, 01 Mai 2017 15:41)

    Merci pour ce partage. Les humains devraient sans doute regarder davantage au dessus de leur tête pour voir la grandeur & la magnificence de la planète Terre et la voûte céleste. Epoustouflant, grandiose, vrai.

  • #36

    Celtic_Wizard (Montag, 01 Mai 2017 17:34)

    For information, the video was taken in the beginning of August 2016.
    We can see Saturn and Mars around the Scorpion's constellation.

  • #37

    Duval (Montag, 01 Mai 2017 23:53)

    Sublime instant où l'impression du temps qui s'arrête pendant que des milliers de kilomètres défilent
    nous accorde un moment de plénitude sans plus pensée à rien d'autre que l'hallucinant spectacle.
    Grand Merci à vous de nous faire partager ce précieux documents.

  • #38

    Lawrence (Dienstag, 02 Mai 2017 07:33)

    If you wanna see exactly the same, there are some spots in the alps, where you can have the same expression. You have to wait till September-Nights, the last two weeks before they close the highest passes. If your Lucky, you have much more details than the video with bare eyes!

  • #39

    Helene (Dienstag, 02 Mai 2017 20:26)

    Merci! Magnifique!

  • #40

    Espíritu Wanderlust (Dienstag, 02 Mai 2017 21:56)

    Gracias por mostrarnos la infinita belleza que tenemos justo encima de nuestras cabezas. Bellísimo <3

  • #41

    Georgianna (Mittwoch, 03 Mai 2017 00:46)

    Einfach erstaunlich, ganz toll

  • #42

    Joan Cuch (Mittwoch, 03 Mai 2017 01:47)

    What's the name of the music? Is beautiful

  • #43

    Ludi (Mittwoch, 03 Mai 2017 16:33)

    Thanks for sharing, this is just... wow ! I'm speechless !

  • #44

    Barkman Jesper (Mittwoch, 03 Mai 2017 18:00)

    Absolutely adorable. It's only on flightdeck such an experince can be made!

  • #45

    Mohan (Donnerstag, 04 Mai 2017 10:55)

    Absolutely brilliant!! Both, the pictures and your efforts. Happy Landings!!

  • #46

    RD Thakur (Donnerstag, 04 Mai 2017 10:56)

    Simply WAO. I must appreciate your work and patience combined with knowledge of photography,

  • #47

    Annemarie (Donnerstag, 04 Mai 2017 15:10)

    Thanks for letting us look through your eyes for a few minutes. It was amazing!

  • #48

    Eric (Donnerstag, 04 Mai 2017 18:13)

    Very beautiful. I think I saw about 10 meteors that were captured in your video. I think you also got a satellite, or the International Space Station, at around 51-54 seconds in. Multiple pleasures to watch several times.

  • #49

    Galee (Donnerstag, 04 Mai 2017 20:48)

    Hello ... Thank you, this is a very beautiful thing. I have been brought up with a wonderful pleasure that requires praise from God's creation .

  • #50

    Pete (Donnerstag, 04 Mai 2017 23:29)

    Super work! I know how much work is involved in this! Congratulations. I'm guessing exposures around 4-5secs? and iso 25000 or more?

    And did you use a lens skirt to help with reflections? And did you use adobe after effects to help with any star movement or this just processed with LRtimelapse?

    Many thanks for any info you can share.

  • #51

    Odely (Freitag, 05 Mai 2017 05:56)

    Simply outstanding...
    Great work and efforts taken...
    Blessed be Gods creation

  • #52

    Mukesh Dave (Freitag, 05 Mai 2017 08:10)


  • #53

    Manoj (Freitag, 05 Mai 2017 10:43)

    Awe inspiring. You should now create a video on how you went about creating a time lapse like this!

  • #54

    Paresh Lakhani (Freitag, 05 Mai 2017 11:10)

    I felt as if I was one with the maker!

  • #55

    Namratha Muralidhar (Freitag, 05 Mai 2017 13:49)

    Absolutely amazing....thanks so much for capturing this surreal experience and sharing with all... something we may never be able to...

  • #56

    vijay (Freitag, 05 Mai 2017 16:39)

    cannot find the apt words to describe the viewing kudos to the Creativity of the Maker well done

  • #57

    Hemachandran (Freitag, 05 Mai 2017 17:08)

    Stunning and beautiful...

  • #58

    Mayur Nayak (Freitag, 05 Mai 2017 17:38)

    This shows how creative our creator is. Ever imagined if His creation is so beautiful, how beautiful He would be?

    Simply superb! Fascinating! Awesome! Thanks to the pilot.

  • #59

    Fakhar (Freitag, 05 Mai 2017)

    Beyond clouds;
    Beyond words!

  • #60

    Devesh Agarwal (Samstag, 06 Mai 2017 01:43)

    A lovely video. Must have taken tremendous effort to make, edit, and compile. Thank you for your effort. Blue skies!!!

  • #61

    -Anantrai ashra (Samstag, 06 Mai 2017 03:39)

    Very beautiful

  • #62

    Capt. Hosi Khan (Samstag, 06 Mai 2017 05:20)

    To say the least, you took me to heaven. Amazing as it is, I am reminded of my sea going days (28 long years), when I could witness clear night skies and never got bored looking at nature's wonders.
    I had no equipment in those days to capture this spectaculer scenes.
    So thank you young man for taking an incurable nature lover back in time. I am 73 now and looking forward to be among these stars when God sends me the "visa".

  • #63

    Richa (Samstag, 06 Mai 2017 06:59)

    Thank you for flying us so high..for sharing the wonders of nature as you see it.

  • #64

    Sunitha Reuben (Samstag, 06 Mai 2017 09:54)

    What an amazing marvellous Creator God - the heavens declare His glory. He flung the stars into space and he knows each of them by name - Isaiah 40: 25-26 The Holy Bible
    Thanks a ton for all your hard work and creativity in preparing this feast for our eyes - exquisitely presented!!!

  • #65

    ALAIN (Samstag, 06 Mai 2017 15:46)

    Merci pour ces images que j'ai jamais vu a 64 ans

  • #66

    Sukanya (Samstag, 06 Mai 2017 19:51)

    Mindblowing enjoyed watching thank you for sharing.

  • #67

    Raghu KP (Samstag, 06 Mai 2017 20:45)

    We can only imagine these things in BOlly wood Movies Thank you Pilot for bringing the galaxy to our room .Awesome

  • #68

    Carmen (Sonntag, 07 Mai 2017 03:10)

    This is such a good feeling,amongst the clouds !and what a wonderful way to capture it!!!!

  • #69

    Shalu Bhuchar (Sonntag, 07 Mai 2017 03:54)

    This is simply beautiful. I've already seen it a few times. Thank you so much. I look forward to seeing more of these.

    And thank you for flying people safely across the world :)

  • #70

    Satyapal Rai (Sonntag, 07 Mai 2017 05:51)

    wat a realtime rare view taking us to a amazing different world. thank you ...

  • #71

    Uzma (Sonntag, 07 Mai 2017 07:11)

    Beautiful! Awsome, marvelous! And above all THANK YOU for making the effort!

  • #72

    Rahul M Hareendran (Sonntag, 07 Mai 2017 07:45)

    OMG wow! This is beyond amazing. Epic.

  • #73

    Amir (Sonntag, 07 Mai 2017 08:05)

    A beautiful movie but 2 questions;
    1. Taking landings lights ON during cruise at aprox 800-900 kmh speed is questionable. Pilots r not allowed to do that at such a high speed. Mostly aircrafts ve retractable landing lights which r to b operated at a certain speed only ie landing as they can b damaged at higher speed due intense drag.
    2. I saw clouds during the video....clouds during cruise?????

  • #74

    Arunima (Sonntag, 07 Mai 2017 08:23)

    This was marvellous...thanks a lot for thinking off and upholding the beauty of the nature...the subtle play of lights, colours, stars ... it's mesmerizing...

  • #75

    Dr Luqman (Sonntag, 07 Mai 2017 12:11)

    It's a beauty to watch....

  • #76

    Sales Wick (Sonntag, 07 Mai 2017)

    Dear fellow visitor

    Thank you all for your kind words and messages. Its overwhelming to receive all this kind of nice words after my first episode of FlightLapse.

    Let me answer some general questions:
    - Behind the Scenes: Camera Sony A7s, Lense Canon 35mm f/1.4 with Metabones Adapter, EXIF: ISO6400, 2.5" at f/2.5, a total of 4117 single frames have been compiled to this video in several steps of my workflow. All shot from one camera without any CG (its all as seen/shot).
    - Soundtrack: The song is called "Among The Stars" by Richard Canavan
    - Future episodes: Lets see what the future brings. I defenetly got some never seen before footage waiting to be edited and put together. Stay tuned for more...

    Some specific answers:
    @amir: The B777 has the landing light mounted on the inner part of the leading edge (thus they are fixed and not retractable), as you said correctly it's not advisable with certain aircraft types, but as mentioned before its no problem on this type. And yes, clouds reach up very high, mostly they are either of the Cirrus or Cumulus type and the B777 is an aircraft that flies usually slightly lower compared to the Airbus.

    I hope I was able to answer all your questions. Please don't hesitate to post further one either here or directly through e-mail, I try to answer all of them as far as possible and make sure to check out and follow my Instagram Account @sky_trotter to see daily impressions from my sky-high life.

    Happy landings and strong tailwinds

  • #77

    Rishi (Sonntag, 07 Mai 2017 19:06)

    Beautiful !
    Just one question - why no apparent movement of the stars?

  • #78

    Sales Wick (Sonntag, 07 Mai 2017 19:54)

    @Rishi: There is movement visible if you fast forward the video. We were flying a perfect angle to the axis and close to the rotation speed thus pretty much cancelling out much of the movement.

  • #79

    Thijs Schouten (Montag, 08 Mai 2017 00:05)

    Wow, really nice! Thnx for sharing. :-)

  • #80

    Ajay Chadha (Montag, 08 Mai 2017 03:00)

    Truly mesmerised....
    Absolutely amazing.

  • #81

    SANTOSH KUMAR MOHANTY (Montag, 08 Mai 2017 06:09)

    Amazing and stupendous....!!!�

  • #82

    Suresh Babu (Montag, 08 Mai 2017 07:46)

    It's like a beautiful paintings.

  • #83

    Kashif Zafar (Montag, 08 Mai 2017 12:10)

    Simply beautiful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • #84

    Lovejoy (Montag, 08 Mai 2017 12:13)

    Amazed by such a wonder. And still people think God doesn't exist.
    Thanks Mr. Wick

  • #85

    Amalan (Montag, 08 Mai 2017 13:30)

    From India: Simply mesmerizing. One can get lost in the beauty of our blue planet esp among the stars. When will these polarizing leaders and horrible terrorists who perpetrate horror on innocents in the name of god, religion, racism etc learn that we need to co-exist and nourish this beautiful place for generations to come ? Kudos to the pilot for his efforts.

  • #86

    Salman Nayyar (Montag, 08 Mai 2017 13:52)

    Wow! So beautiful!
    amazing idea to capture the sky at night
    Thanks for sharing it

  • #87

    Vibhu (Montag, 08 Mai 2017 15:51)

    Thanks for sharing this. Cocooned in the passenger seats (usually aisle) I always wonder how the skies look to the pilot. Your video answers that. This is surreal.. almost like sci-fi.

  • #88

    Shine Raj (Montag, 08 Mai 2017)

    I wish all aircraft had this display on the roof, so that they feel they are part of the flying experience.
    Thanks for taking the efforts and doing this.

  • #89

    Captain Kiran Khankhoje (ex Air India) (Dienstag, 09 Mai 2017 12:43)

    Thank you for reviving old memories. These are the sights that gave joy to me whilst flying at night, as nothing else. Thank you for sharing this video.

  • #90

    Shree Panicker (Dienstag, 09 Mai 2017 17:26)

    Simply stunning images! There is nothing better than a starlit night sky to make one feel the immensity of Creation, of which we're but a speck!

  • #91

    Rizwana (Mittwoch, 10 Mai 2017 02:21)

    Awesome....the poetry of univers and the magical charm of so delighted to see breath-taking viewfrom the lens of this camera...

  • #92

    Farhat Naqvi (Mittwoch, 10 Mai 2017 04:08)

    The few personally experience such magical, rare and unique scenes but further few share it ! Thanks for sharing !

  • #93

    AMITABH (Mittwoch, 10 Mai 2017 12:44)

    Excellent.. Beyond Words. Thanks for sharing

  • #94

    CG (Donnerstag, 11 Mai 2017 03:32)

    Spellbound by the video.

  • #95

    Sai Satya (Donnerstag, 11 Mai 2017 05:21)

    It's just Amazing to sea & Enjoy your camera Magic & your dedication.I always love take landscape pictures benith the flight

  • #96

    harish nadig (Donnerstag, 11 Mai 2017 14:55)

    It is simply marvellous .thankyou.

  • #97

    Minoo (Freitag, 12 Mai 2017 00:17)

    Excellent! Thank you so much for creating this awesome video and sharing with us!

  • #98

    Baba1965 (Freitag, 12 Mai 2017 04:47)

    Amazing...watched it a few times..Thank you for sharing this experience from 30000+ feet through your journey.

  • #99

    J W Danday (Freitag, 12 Mai 2017 14:45)

    I have watched as a child this phenomenon while lying on the bed in the open space during the nights in the summer months in India. After all watching the sky from the earth or from the flight does'nt make much difference because the nearest star to the earth is about for light years distance. Now there is so much pollution on the planet but in early 50's there was hardly any dust in the air to obstruct our vision of the sky. By and large when one watches the sky during clear nights there is a tremendous feeling in the mind to view His awesome creation of stars and planets. I am a star gazer.

  • #100

    Kamal m (Sonntag, 14 Mai 2017)

    It's truly divine, A WONDER ! ......If this doesn't make YOU wonder, then nothing in this world can !!

  • #101

    Kumud Chinivala. (Montag, 15 Mai 2017 11:50)

    Divine experience to move in outer space.amazing beauty of the excellent idea to will be an excellent document for generation to come & research.

  • #102

    Dhara (Montag, 15 Mai 2017 18:55)

    I am at loss of really got the best shots...

  • #103

    Namo, India (Mittwoch, 17 Mai 2017 16:31)

    Great capture of the magnificent show of the Universe. Thanks for sharing.
    Brought to my mind, the similar unforgettable sky that I saw with naked eyes in the middle of the night in Pokhra, Nepal two decades ago.

  • #104

    Adiseshu (Sonntag, 21 Mai 2017 07:21)

    Literally lost myself.

  • #105

    Hagen (Freitag, 26 Mai 2017 12:47)

    Congratulation Sales - just stunning!
    How do you avoid reflections of all the cockpit instruments / lights via the windows? I keep struggling with this problem. Using a lens skirt I had the suction cups in view, just seem to have reflections all the time..

  • #106

    Angela (Sonntag, 28 Mai 2017 03:10)

    I didn't expect for these tears to be coursing down my cheeks or my heart to be so full it hurts. THANK YOU. I haven't seen anything so beautiful since my daughters' births.

  • #107

    Lautaro (Montag, 26 Juni 2017 02:14)

    The nigh sky canvas is real? or its made on post production?
    thanks for the greato video

  • #108

    Sergio David (Mittwoch, 28 Juni 2017 19:07)

    Unas imagenes espectaculares y que ellas solas definen su belleza :). Saludos desde España

  • #109

    Vi (Dienstag, 04 Juli 2017 02:15)

    Nice video. I've seen on youtube your flight simulated and now it is proof that you were not flying on the globe but flat earth... or you can explain why you have almost the same sky if the sky should change dramatically because of angle of inclination relative to space. Relative to space you plane should change the angle about more than 45 deg. but sky seems not changing.

  • #110

    Alejandra Schuster (Samstag, 08 Juli 2017 03:51)

    I wish I could enter a plane cockpit and see what you see... I'd be the happiest person in the world! Thanks for sharing these views with us!

  • #111

    Ana María (Mittwoch, 12 Juli 2017 17:51)

    This is absolutely stunning! I usually dread flying, but a view like this would definitely make me forget about my fears for a while. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful video!

  • #112

    Alain Maury (Samstag, 12 August 2017 11:59)

    Very nice time lapse, shot in 2016. Easy to see, Saturn is visible in the time lapse. Like at 1:00, the brightest "star" in the lower right corner (with a smaller star above it) is Saturn. This year it's more in the Milky Way.

  • #113

    jmaine (Dienstag, 15 August 2017 02:27)

    Very cool video. So how would it be possible to see the same stars as shown if the earth is a sphere. Given the flight distance across the north and south latitudes. If you traveled in a very large arc, how could the same stars remain fixed directly in front of you?

  • #114

    getreal (Dienstag, 15 August 2017 13:24)


  • #115

    Dan (Dienstag, 19 September 2017 17:44)

    @jmaine - Firstly this was only the first 4-5 hours of the flight, not the whole thing, it's a 12 1/2 hour flight - the film maker mentions there's 8 hours to go in the introduction.
    With this in mind the flight hasn't nearly reached the equator yet. The direction of the flight is almost along the axis of earth's rotation and the flight speed is just less than the rotation speed of the earth so therefore the view doesn't really change very much, it's almost like the plane goes up in the air while the earth rotates beneath it.
    There IS rotation but not much, just drag the slider from the start to finish and you'll see it.

  • #116

    Pablo Escobar (Mittwoch, 27 September 2017 22:42)

    They would have to dedicate themselves to the cinema, they make some very beautiful productions.

  • #117

    Tikky (Mittwoch, 01 November 2017 02:34)

    Hi, how did you fix the camera? Clamp? Tripod?

  • #118

    Gasoline Kitchen (Donnerstag, 01 Februar 2018 20:00)

    This is really magical. Love it!

  • #119

    @jldias58 (Montag, 12 März 2018 00:48)

    Beautiful text for a gorgeous vid!! Job well done, keep following you on further adventures!! ���

  • #120

    Johanne (Montag, 12 März 2018 08:06)

    I wanted to know where do you place your camera in the cockpit ???and how do I keep it so steady...the pic taken is incredible ....thanks for it

  • #121

    Guía de Tailandia (Sonntag, 27 Mai 2018 09:50)

    Precioso video. Espectacular. Gracias.

  • #122

    elodie (Samstag, 25 August 2018 14:26)

    I don't think I ever seen something that beautiful.

  • #123

    Jacques (Mittwoch, 12 Dezember 2018 17:01)

    Thanks you for this wonderful sharing.

  • #124

    Siv (Dienstag, 19 März 2019 04:20)

    Amazing work... Just a question here, if I fly YYC to CUN kinda heading SE, left or right of the window could possibly see more of the core? I wish I have a front seat like the pilot lol

  • #125

    Heroshop (Mittwoch, 17 Februar 2021 15:48)

    Awesome work!

  • #126

    Paul (Montag, 24 Juli 2023 00:15)

    Hi Sales,

    I believe you mentioned it before that the video ends over the this correct?


  • #127

    Jerermy (Freitag, 04 August 2023 15:15)

    this video tell us ,the earth is flat

  • #128

    TIM (Dienstag, 22 August 2023 00:39)


  • #129

    Philippe Durel (Dienstag, 25 Februar 2025 05:32)

    What a wonderful video!
    I used it to help kids with understanding how you position yourself relatively to the constellations and the planets that you can see with your naked eye. The movement of Earth, the orbital plane, the angle of the rotation axis relatively to the orbital plane, the angle of the orbital plane relatively to the galaxy plane, etc, etc, etc.
    I also introduced some basic trigonometry for them, and it's an excellent base for great math exercises ... when I mean great, I mean "not boring".
    I even explained how to know the DATE using the configuration that you can see. That's how we found out that the 1st frame from the video gives the indication of a configuration occurring ONLY on the night of August the 7th, at about 23:50, and the location was roughly about 42.5N, 4.5E.

    I could be wrong but it seems to me that SWR92 has changed route since the beginning of that flight, as it's now indicated as going across France toward the middle of the Pyrenees and down over Spain then through Gibraltar, instead of over the Mediterranean sea and above Algiers.

    Anyway, what a fantastic little video.

    I have a Sony A7 II, but it surely isn't as performant as the A7S for low light. I thought about upgrading, but my A7 II is bulletproof, never ever failed since 2014 and still works perfectly, and the good new A7 cameras are pretty expensive for what I do with a camera.

    Thank you for that video.

    Best regards.
    Philippe Durel.